Affiliate Tools

Below you will find emails and banners you can use to promote Value Tips

We recommend sending at least 3 promotional emails to make the best profits from this betting product.

The main offer will sell for either £19 for 3 Months or £39 a Year. While the upsell will sell for £10.

Affiliates earn 50% commissions on all sales.

The affiliate link you need is below. Simply change XXXXX to your Clickbank username.

Your Affiliate Link:


We have a selection of emails below. Simply paste the code into your email newsletter and replace XXXXX with your Clickbank affiliate code. Also replace NAME and YOUR NAME.

  • Email 1

  • Email 2

  • Email 3

Subject Lines:

Brand New Betting Software
Exciting News For {!firstname_fix}
Value Betting Software Makes £3334 in ONE Month
Effortless Automated Profits With This…
Unstoppable Betting Software – No Losing Months!
ALERT – New Betting Software Discount
URGENT – Betting Software Discount


£3334 in ONE Month, without barely lifting a finger??

Making a profit from betting is about to get a LOT easier.

See below to find out how exactly how:

For the next few days only you can get your
hands on a highly profitable new betting software with
a huge 51% discount!!

Just imagine getting your hands on software that
delivers you effortless wins every single day..

Software that leaves the bookies frustrated and
powerless as YOU beat them again and again.

Imagine knowing the exact value bets to place to
statistically always come out on top.

Imagine, that with this automated software, you
could easily cheat your way day after day to
untold riches and pleasures.

Gone are the days of following no good tipsters
and shoddy betting systems.

Gone are the days of loss after loss, as you wonder
how the hell you aren’t getting the winners you deserve.

Gone is the frustration of following complex formulas
that are too hard to understand.

At last, something different has arrived….

Thanks for reading,




Banners are available on request please email at with you requirements.